Athru Services partners with clients to successfully launch and manage key organizational initiatives.
Take Stock
Athru helps clients conduct a complete and accurate assessment of the current state, searching for successes that we can build upon rather than problems we can solve.
Dream Harder
We identify and leverage current and previous successes to drive change, build resilience, and fuel growth. We invite each client to do more of what they do well, not less of what they do poorly.
We become the external project managers, because we believe that without superb execution, even the best strategy is likely to come undone.
leadership DEVELOPMENT
Leverage Strengths
Athru uses a wide array of deeply-researched, strengths-based leadership concepts to enhance the capabilities of every leader in the organization.
Share the Wisdom
We facilitate meaningful conversations with groups of all shapes and sizes so that every single participant feels moved and improved by the experience.
Sustain Results
We believe that improvement in leadership ability can and should be continuous. So, we use a variety of tools and techniques to ensure that “a-ha” moments become daily habits.
Shift the Focus
Athru believes that change is something to be embraced, not managed. It is something to grow through, not get through. And rather than a problem to be solved, change should be a source of energy and excitement.
Recognize the Stakeholders
Building consensus with the right people at each stage in the process is critical to the success of any change initiative. We help clients identify the correct stakeholders and provide them with the information they need to achieve buy-in.
Manage the Process
By guiding groups through the inevitable emotional and practical impacts of change, we increase everyone’s comfort level, while enhancing their empathy for others.